About Matthew

Matthew was elected as Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner in May 2016 and re-elected for a second term in May 2021. He is married and lives with his wife and three children in Swanley.

Prior to this he developed a significant amount of experience of advocacy and public relations that included Parliament and Government departments. He has also served as a Voluntary Scout Leader, Councillor and School Governor and he ran a community centre.

Matthew has served in national portfolios as PCC. From March 2017 until 2020, he was the Lead Police and Crime Commissioner for Police Performance, which included the HMIC Inspections, Crime Statistics and Chief Constable Performance. From October 2017 until June 2021, he was the Lead PCC for Mental Health and Custody, in addition to the Performance Portfolio. Other roles and responsibilities have included:

– Secretary, Conservative Group of PCCs
– Conservative Group Spokesman on Leaving the European Union
– Member, Kent Fire and Rescue Authority
– Attended the National Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat
– Member, Kent and Medway Health and Wellbeing Board
– Attended HMIC Reference Groups on Effectiveness and Mental Health
– Member, Eastern Region Police Force Collaboration Group

In September 2017, he joined the advisory panel for the independent review of the Mental Health Act, led by Professor Sir Simon Wessley, and in May 2018, was asked by Sir Simon to formally lead the Policing work stream of the review.

In 2019, Matthew was appointed Chair of the National Commercial Board, which was the basis for the formation of BlueLight Commercial, a company he now Chairs on behalf of policing. The company is charged with improving efficiency, effectiveness and skills within policing on the vital issues of procurement and commercial activity, with oversight of over £1bn of spending.

He has written for national publications including Conservative Home and Parliament Street, and done media appearances for Radio 5 Live, 5 News, LBC, ITV, Victoria Derbyshire, Sky News, BBC News, BBC South East Today and local radio.